




Concern about paying back student loans is common. That’s why we provide the 先锋承诺, our loan repayment assistance program. If your income is modest after graduation, 先锋承诺 assists with your educational loan repayments. Learn more on our financial aid pages.

最近的一次 福布斯杂志文章 断言, “如果你, 或者你爱的孩子, might choose a career that would make repayment so burdensome that it would curtail other early adulthood opportunities… you would be well-served to seek a college with a Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP).” Initially created to provide financial security after graduation to students interested in using their degrees in public service and other lower-paying positions, 先锋承诺 helps MidAmerica Nazarene University graduates in all fields, should their income be less than expected, affecting their ability to repay student loans.
Sometimes students pursuing certain career fields know they may earn less in the first few years after graduation. Some expect to complete internships. Others going into ministry or other service careers are concerned about repaying debt. 先锋承诺 lets them follow their educational and career passion, with peace of mind. 毕业后, the program works directly with eligible MNU graduates to help repay their loans, either until they reach a point of financial stability, or their loans are repaid entirely.
The loan repayment assistance program covers:
  • Federal Direct Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized)
  • 家长附加贷款
  • Private Loans originated through MNU’s 金融援助 Office
  • 贷款总额不超过7.5万美元
先锋承诺 enables prospective students to attend their first-choice colleges without worry and provides a safety-net allowing them to pursue their desired career after graduation.
  • All MNU incoming traditional freshmen and eligible transfer students enrolled in the 先锋承诺 program who have student loans 登记在 mylrap.org/MNU
  • Must graduate with a traditional undergraduate bachelor’s degree from MNU within 6 years
  • 毕业后:
    • Must be employed an average of 30 hours/week and earn less than $50,000/year
    • 必须在美国工作.S. 也不能为家庭工作



Your education is one of the most important investments you will ever make. At MNU nearly 100% of new students qualify for financial assistance that greatly reduces the actual cost of an MNU education.

Based on GPA students are eligible for an academic 奖学金 of up to $14,000. 不需要考试成绩,
but they may increase your academic award.

Students interested in performing in any of our choir, band, or theatre productions can audition for
奖学金. Students pursuing any of our 表演艺术 majors will qualify for additional 奖学金.

Freshmen ministry majors may receive a $2,500 奖学金 if they successfully complete first year
部门需求. Returning majors can apply for additional 奖学金 through the Ministry

学生至少有3.5 GPA are eligible to apply to the Innovation Academy. 那些被录取的
Academy will receive a $5,000 annual award.

Students participating in MNU inter-collegiate sports may receive an athletic award. 金额的变化取决于

Students involved in a local Nazarene church will receive a $5,000 annual award. 一个人的推荐
pastor or church leader 是必需的.

学生 are the child of a full-time pastor will receive a $3,000 annual award. 核实受雇情况

MNU will match a church gift up to $500 annually.

In addition to qualifying for most of the other 奖学金 listed, transfer students all can qualify for:

史密斯奖学金 (will not stack with Innovation Academy) 转移只
Transfers who have completed at least 12 college credits with a 3.5 GPA or higher will receive a $2,000 annual

Kansas 社区 College Scholarship 转移只
Transfer students who have earned an associate degree from a Kansas community college will receive a $2,000

创始人奖学金 (will not stack with 拿撒勒遗产奖学金)
MNU has a rich heritage built on the strong Christian faith and pioneer spirit of our founders. 学生
exhibit this same Christian faith and spirit through service in their church and community can qualify for a
每年2500美元奖学金. 一个人的推荐 pastor, Christian school teacher/administrator, or MNU

学生 are the child of a full-time pastor will receive a $3,000 annual award. 核实受雇情况

MNU will match a church gift up to $500 annually.

大学早期奖学金 仅限新生入学
学生 enrolled in the MNU 早期的大学 or the MNU Concurrent College programs as high school
students will receive a $2,000 annual award as full-time traditional students.



The best way to find out which 奖学金 you would receive is to fill out 我们的免费十大体育博菜网站 and the admissions team will work with you to discover every possible 奖学金.  如果你还没有准备好申请, but would like to explore 奖学金 options please feel free to reach out to 招生 (admissions@district4promotions.com)或报名参加校园参观.


Find the program that’s right for you. Talk to your MNU team to customize your journey.